Your Style, Your Arrangement

If none of our pre configured Hush Panel designs would work in your office we offer a service where you can create your own custom arrangment to suit your specific work space.

DIY Cubicles Are Here

Wall Mounted Folding Walls are perfect for making large spaces feel smaller with the amount of distance one can cover alone. With top of the range 360 degree hinges the folding Operable Wall is easy to open and close with minimal effort and provides slight vertical movement for each panel, this allows the dividers to travel across uneven flooring with ease. Our durable, rolling casters provide 6cm ground clearance making them some of the easiest collapsible room dividers to operate and move. Our Configurable Cubicles are easy, simple to assemble and are an affordable workstation solution. Our Hush Panels are designed for an easy cubicle setup, simply slide the post and cubicle panels together to create a truly configurable and practical workstations. Employees prefer to have spaces where they can focus on their individualised tasks and be in an atmosphere that they can control, such as setting the lighting or temperature. 


Send Us A Sketch

If you already have an idea in mind send us over a sketch or drawing of how you would like your cubicle arrangement to look (with measurements included) and we can use that to make an estimate of price and size for you. This takes the hassle out of the customer having to work out the measurements of the panels and posts themselves which can be tricky if you dont know the product very well.

Need a Bit of Help?

Don't hesitate to ask us any questions you may have about our products, customisation of your divider or help in choosing the right partition for you.

Call us: 0203 7959090